On Thursday, October 19, 2917, the Boca Raton Pen Women held an opening luncheon meeting at the lovely Westchester Country Club in Boynton Beach. The event included a silent auction Scholarship Award Fundraiser. It’s purpose was to raise money for scholarships for talented students who have need of assistance, and to fund our outreach programs.

From Left: Etta Schaeffer, Prue Carrico, Marlene Klotz, Barbara Bixon, Sheila Firestone
Possibly just as important, this event helps our Boca Pen Branch members to bond. We invite new members to help us grow the leadership needed to put on events that benefit our work and fortify our Branch as we continue to create as writers, artists and composer/musicians.
Personally, I was excited to bid on and bring home a painting titled Big Sister, donated by artist member Bea Doone-Merena. It depicts a young woman carrying a little child in her arms. In my mind, it represents my older sister, Claire, and myself. It brought back my childhood memories. Every donated piece of art had special meaning to those who were fortunate enough to find the meaning behind that work.
All of the donated baskets were lovingly given by our supporters. Books were displayed for sale by member authors. Hearing the authors speak so lovingly of their life works was inspiring.
We raised almost $1,000. It is a great thoughtful task to gather the items that our members and guests delight in. Giving up one’s work to see some young person gain a step up is a noble act. One must also convince merchants or oneself that the cause is worthy.
After preparing for this event, seeing everyone jump into action, working together to make our reunion, membership recruitment and fundraising event become warm and glowing, was gratifying.
It was a beautiful day for me. I hope that it proved to be the same experience for those who attended. We missed our colleagues and friends who were not able to be there. Some of our members came from West Palm Beach. It felt so good to be together.
Every day brings particular meaning to the outcome of what the whole year can be. I often think that we build our lives an atom at a time. An atom of energy grows and attracts a cluster of energy that propels itself forward, meeting those with similar purposes. We join and, before you know it, there is a force field working together, propelling our projects forward. Together we are creating new positive energy. Once set into motion, great good comes about.
Our Green Market project this season will help people learn who the Boca Raton Branch NLAPW members are and give us the opportunity to exhibit our work.
I am so proud of our group. “One for all and all for one,” was certainly apparent to me at our Membership/Silent Auction Meeting. I sincerely want to thank everyone who made the day such a beautiful event.
Best wishes for our Pen year that is evolving.
Sheila Firestone, President